Certainty, Assurance, Peace, Calming the Storm, Love, Joy, Peace, Inner peace, anxiety, worry, depression.

Certainty in Uncertain Times - Colin Grigg - 211121

80 Views - Published on 26 Nov, 2021
⁣⁣In these times of uncertainty, when governments are changing rules and jobs are being lost, and not knowing if there's any hope for the future, people are becoming more and more anxious and depressed. Is there any hope? Are we going to ever see our freedoms restored when everything seems to be changing so quickly?

Well, it's great to be able to assure you that hope is not dead and that true freedom, love, joy and peace are still available to every single one of us. You just have to put your trust in Jesus! The Bible tells us that we would be foolish to do anything other than believe in God and put our trust in Him. Everything else is temporary! Only God can give eternal assurances that will never change! Now, that's what I call a big statement, but nevertheless it's true. That's where hope lies! That's where peace lies! That's where we can be restored and be able to think again without worries and fear. There's an old saying that goes like this... "I may not know what the future holds, but I know the One who holds the future". Let's take a look at this week's video to find out more.

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