Porn, porno, pornography, asymmetric warfare, psyops

Pornography as a Weapon, Asymmetric Warfare

85 Views - Published on 24 Sep, 2020
⁣In this video I will dive into why porn can be and is being used as a tool to subvert us. We used to keep it behind closed doors now society seems to welcome it with open arms, but do we truly understand the consequences it has on us? If you like this video please check out my other work. I will give you truth even if it isn't exactly popular.

I also made a bitchute to back up my videos in case my channel were to get deleted.

You will also notice an improvement of video quality in the next few weeks. I am putting together a PC specifically for video encoding, editing, rendering, recording. I will hopefully be producing full 1080 at 60 FPS. I don't want to go higher, not really necessary but I do promise to get better and devote as much time to this as I can if it helps wake someone up.
Chad Chaddington

Chad Chaddington

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