Civil Liberties


608 Views - Published on 24 Nov, 2021

We are the ones on the right side of history here, just as the abolitionists were back in the 1800's. Like abolitionism wanting bodily autonomy has become a controversial political issue that is dividing much of our country.

Someone said to me "that's your opinion" to the contrary, if it were just a matter of my opinion, I would not have been put on administrative leave without pay for refusing the jab!

We are not the ones forcing others not to get the jab, as we are the ones championing their choice to get one, if they see fit. Nor do we wish to have the power over other people to tell them what they can and cannot do with their bodies. We do not own them, as they do not own us!

Just as slavery was not a matter of opinion, slaves were, and we are the victims in all of this. We merely wish the freedom to say what goes into our bodies or not without being punished, and or coerced. Again losing your livelihood is not a matter of opinion.

The New Normal is the New Jim Crow where we the unvaxxed are discriminated against to the point of not being allowed to participate in society without showing our papers.

This is simply not right, just, or moral, if someone is vaxxed they are told they are protected, and if they are, we are not a danger to them. If they are not protected, then what is the point of getting vaxxed?

I know through my own experience that we are a diverse group of people on all sides of the political spectrum. Although our oppressors deem to paint a different picture for the purpose of divide and rule.

There are many of our brethren who have gotten vaxxed against their wills, because they were made to choose between literally putting food on the table or not. That my friends is slavery by another name, and to support such a thing is what is truly shameful!

I for one choose the freedom to remain unvaxxed, unafraid, and unashamed, for I know in my gut, that I am, that we are on the right side of history here . . .

Nicholas DeVincenzo


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