dragon, fossil, mudfossil, titan, titanology, giants, dragon fossil, landscape, creature, myth, mythos, legend, legendary, Ancalagon

Vasshaugen 15 Mile Long Dragon Fossil

118 Views - Published on 23 Nov, 2021
⁣An report of the expedition to the top of a mountain that looks exactly like a huge dragon fossil. we explore the patterns of the mountain with a new perspective while making fascinating art portraits of dragons constructed right from the patterns of the rocky landscape. Approximately at the size of the legendary dragon Ancalagon.

this is not categorized as education for the sake of geology but for art. The DNA conformation of tissiue inside of rocks has been confirmed. but not for this mountain.

You don't even need to belive in me or Roger Spurr's Mudfossil University for you to simply acknowlege the fact that what i show you is that the patterns of mythical creatures are undeniebly visible in the patterns of mountains and rocky landscapes. if you don't like that we have a theory for this. then you can just enjoy the art if you like awesome looking dragons.

Rock on!.

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