Covid, jamie jenkins, stats, government, mandates, vaccines

Jamie Jenkins – Crunching the COVID Stats to Expose the Government’s Misinformation

206 Views - Published on 10 Feb, 2022
We live in an age of information overload and it is our great pleasure to speak with Jamie Jenkins, someone who spends his time making sense of it all.
We have followed Jamie’s Twitter account closely for most of the COVID pandemic as he is willing to pull out information from the government's data that would otherwise be lost, hidden away or delivered in a biased manner that supports the chosen agenda of the establishment and main stream media.
During COVID we have been bombarded with fear porn, told what to think and the fact checkers have kept us firmly focused on the government's version of truth and Jamie is the only person we have come across who analyses the data and presents its findings in a way that makes sense and is often at odds with the newspeak.

Jamie Jenkins is an independent statistician, political commentator and is the former Head of Health Analysis and Labour Market Analysis at the Office for National Statistics.
Jamie has been providing daily updates for the public on the Covid-19 pandemic, rightfully winning awards from the Royal Statistical Society and United Nations for the presentation of data and has been a regular on TV and radio during this ‘pandemic’ helping us to make sense of the tsunami of information.
He also worked at the BBC advising journalists on data over a General Election period, helping them challenge politicians.
Jamie has 20 years’ experience of leading teams to interrogate and bring data sources together to deliver actionable insights and create business data strategies.
He specialises in thinking outside of the box to provide decision makers answers to the problems they have not yet thought of.
With skills in the latest cutting-edge data visualisation tools, he has won many awards for communicating insights effectively with non-specialists, including acting as media spokesperson as well as delivering board-level presentations.

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Interview recorded 10.2.22

Audio Podcast version available at ⁣ and all major podcast directories.

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