
Anonymous - This is why Ron Paul deserves to be president

1 K Views - Published on 29 Jun, 2020
⁣Ron Paul is a truly good man who loves the nation and each and every one of us. He is a brilliant man who knows the issues better than anyone in the race. The power of Liberty and brotherly love can solve all problems before us.

Ron Paul is a great man and this video shows he has been fighting for the American people for decades and will be there to end the tyranny of psychopathic criminals that have hijacked our great nation. This video exposes the Truth of Ron Paul. We need this man. He is the only hope we have and if he doesn't make it into the White House there won't be anything left of the United States-- civil war will be a certainty. The U.S. is hijacked by a bunch of mobsters who don't give a damn about the nation and certainly don't care about the American people.
Anonymous OFFICIAL

Anonymous OFFICIAL

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