153news, censorship, websites, domain registrar, false flag, shooting, buffalo, white supremacy, nwo, new world order, 1984, tyranny, biden, dhs, fbi, cia, disinformation, misinformation, united nations, Icann, black hole

Websites Being Taken Down After False Flag Shooting

722 Views - Published on 17 May, 2022
⁣You may not agree with what certain people have to say, but they have the right to say it. Simply hosting a video or talking about certain things doesn’t give anybody the right to silence you. As long as you aren’t advocating violence or hurting children, have at it. If you let it happen to them, it will happen to you. This is why they ALLOWED the shooting to occur and make no mistake, the FEDS ALLOWED this to happen, they damn well knew what he was planning.

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Chad Chaddington

Chad Chaddington

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