fortune reading, psychic reading, Alternatives beliefs, spiritual awakening, imagination

Fortune Reading -Alternatives beliefs

25 Views - Published on 08 Nov, 2021
⁣Do you feel lucky?
I’m sure you’ve been asked this question before, but please take a moment and ask yourself if you feel as though you are blessed with good luck…
Maybe you’ve won a large sum in a drawing, or scratch off ticket. spiritualist

Maybe you encountered a dangerous situation but managed to walk away unscathed… like a car accident, or a mugging.
Maybe you were born with incredible genes and a vibrant personality ram dass
Maybe you had it easy in relationships and been chased by beautiful people all your life… or you are in a perfect marriage right now.
Maybe you landed a high paying job without trying hard at all, or you were born into a fortune…
All these are examples of a person that would excitedly shout out “YES! I am definitely blessed with good luck…”

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