andy wright, talking really, scamdemic, pandemic, covid-19, virus, mask, face mask, face covering, shops, doris, bojo, tories, boris johnson, covid, scam, new world order


145 Views - Published on 14 Jul, 2020
⁣FACE MASKS IN SHOPS are soon to be compulsory! One more freedom removed in the scamdemic that is progressing quickly. In the bigger picture, exemptions are available for disabled but you may as well put a star of david on yourself, because the abuse will be coming - even though legally there is nothing they can say or do to force you, but the guilt trip of protecting others/self.

Apology but this was uploaded earlier and did not work, the upload had corrupted. So, hopefully this time it will be okay
Andy Wright Talking Really Uncut

Andy Wright Talking Really Uncut

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